If you want your friend or family member to be returned to you from jail, then you need to bail him or her out of jail. Bail bonds can be complicated and expensive, but they do not have to be. Some bad bail bonds companies like to make the bail bonds process difficult for their clients in order to confuse them. These bad bail bonds companies use their clients’ confusion to make more money. Companies like that should be avoided.
At Ardin Arcade Bail Bond Store, we actually care about our clients and do everything we can to help them. If you have any questions about the bail bonds process, do not hesitate to ask. Our knowledgeable bail agents have years of experience and can answer all of you questions. One of our skilled bail agents will be with you for every step of the bail bonds process.
Our bail agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whenever you need expert bail bonds help, you can call Ardin Arcade Bail Bond Store. We have offices located all over the state of Sacramento, so there is always a local bail agent close by who can offer you his or her assistance.
Call 916-426-9400 now for a free consultation with one of our bail agents.
Our Bail Agents Begin Helping You the Moment You Call In
As soon as you call, our skilled bail agents at Ardin Arcade Bail Bond Store get to work on rescuing your loved one from jail. Just give us your loved one’s name, birthday, and the county where he or she was arrested. We can use that information to find your friend in the system and gather the rest of his or her info.
Next we work with you to come up with a payment that fits into your budget so that you can actually afford to get your friend released from jail. We will split up the large cost of the bail bond into smaller, more manageable payments that fit into your monthly budget. With our help, you will be able to bail out your loved one at an affordable price.
At Ardin Arcade Bail Bond Store, our bail agents are here to make bailing out your friend or family member an easy experience, not a confusing one. We will never try to confuse you in order to get you to pay more for a bail bond. We never surprise our clients with hidden fees and we are always honest and up front with you.