If you’ve ever considered skipping jury duty, don’t. It’s a criminal offense to do so that could result in fines and jail time. It’s a part of your duty to help maintain and ensure justice.
There could be a warrant out for you if you ignore your jury duties. If you would like to do a free, anonymous search, please contact Sacramento Bail Bond Store Services at 916-426-9400. We can do the search on your behalf. We can also discuss bail options before turning yourself in to pay your dues.
You can get an unpleasant visitor knocking at your door if you ignore your jury duties. If your arrest happens, we can still help you pay for your bail. Call Sacramento Bail Bond Store Services immediately and we’ll get right to it!
But to avoid all this trouble, just drag yourself to jury duty when you have been summoned. You wish you didn’t have to, and frankly so do we (wouldn’t it be nice if society was a true utopia where everything was perfect and peaceful?), but to reiterate, it is imperative we do attend jury duty when we are called on.
Again, our number at Sacramento Bail Bond Store Services is 916-426-9400. We will be happy to check if there are any warrants out for your arrest or help you or a loved one draw up a bail bond to get out of jail.