Being in college most likely means you’re at least 18 years old, which also means that you can have a lot of fun but also get into a lot of trouble when the fun goes wrong. For example, you’ll be invited to college parties where there will be alcohol. You might not be 21 years old yet so by law, you’re not supposed to take a drink. You’re the only person who can make that decision for yourself.
So maybe you do, and you end up driving yourself home – or tried to. You were pulled over by the cops and arrested with a DUI. They don’t call your parents to pick you up from jail – you have to post bail. YOU can call your parents for help, but again, at this age now, that’s up to you to decide.
On top of that, your grades and class attendance may suffer. Administration will be aware of the situation. They can suspend, even expel you from school, but most likely they won’t, unless this turned out to be a very serious situation and/ or this is a constant habit of yours.
On top of that, you put yourself in danger; you put others in danger to. You got yourself worried, and you got your friends and family worried.
That’s a lot for a college-aged student to deal with.
We’re not saying or hoping this will happen to you; we’re saying that it has and can. It may not happen exactly like this, but things along these lines can. Everyone has a different college experience. Some are less fortunate than others and get those few brushes with the law. Some are most unfortunate and don’t get to see the end of college.
And these consequences don’t stem from just underage drinking. It can stem from other harmful and illegal activity.
Our team here at North Highlands Bail Bonds doesn’t want to scare you from having fun in college; we just want to caution you to make smart and sound decisions, WHILE having fun. We will be there to make sure you CONTINUE to have some fun even after being arrested (if that happens) because we will help you bail out of jail quickly.